In recent years, Europe has been embroiled in a terrorist problem. Although France has seemingly been the most frequent victim, terror has struck more than once in Belgium, Germany and the UK. To make matters worse, the EU shows no signs of stopping its policy of accepting millions of poorly vetted refugees any time soon. If anything, terrorist attacks may continue to increase in Europe.
Sadly, evidence is starting to emerge that terror may even be spreading to parts previously left untouched. In April, a terrorist with connections to ISIS used a truck to mow down pedestrians in Sweden. And just yesterday, a possible terrorist attack was thwarted by quick-thinking law enforcement in Spain.From the Daily Caller:
A knife-wielding man shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) tried to attack Spanish police Tuesday moments before an officer knocked him out with a plastic road barrier.The failed attack took place in the Spanish territory of Melilla [on the African continent adjacent to Morocco, but technically part of Spain] which makes up one of two land borders between the European Union and Africa. The man was circled by a large group of officers as he approached the border post with a knife. One officer sustained light injuries from the attack.
Strangely, local police are saying this was NOT a terror attack. The attacker was certainly not particularly animated.
Spain’s Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido shared this video of the incident:
Although this attack avoided a tragic ending, one has to wonder if this is the start of a growing trend in Spain. The country has avoided Islamic terror for the most part since the 2004 Madrid train bombings the day before the national elections that year.
However, there have been Arabs in Spain since the early 8th century when the Umayyad conquest of Hispania created the state of Al-Andalus. Is history going to repeat itself?[Note: This post was authored by Michael Lee. Follow him on Twitter @UAMichaelLee]