Many of us (ok, all of us reading this — except for the trolls) have been for months counting down the days until the end of Obama’s presidency. Some of us started counting in 2008 and then had to restart the clock in 2012.
Thankfully, the end is finally nigh.
Of course the next question is, what next? Will Barry quietly drive off into the sunset in his golf cart, or pull on the mom jeans and cycle off into the distance? Will he take a leaf out of the Clinton’s book and launch his world $peaking tour?
Or does he have something grander planned?
According to BizPac Review, he does, and it’s going to make your eyes roll.
Just when conservative Americans thought they would soon see the last of the most liberal president in U.S. history, a report has surfaced saying President Barack Obama may be looking at a career in media as “his next chapter.” According to co-founder Jake Horowitz, anonymous sources speaking on background say the show could materialize on Netflix or a cable network like Comedy Central — where serious Millennials turn to get their hard news.“Obama considers media to be a central focus of his next chapter, these sources say, though exactly what form that will take — a show streaming on Netflix, a web series on a comedy site or something else — remains unclear,” Horowitz wrote.
And while his critics may recoil over the possibility of Obama having a regular gig on cable television to espouse his secular progressive ideas, that could be the least of their worries.
Horowitz adds that the sources say Obama, a frequent critic of Fox News, “is considering launching his own media company.”
The president dropped a hint about what may lie in store during a recent interview with Rolling Stone.
“How do we rethink our storytelling, the messaging and the use of technology and digital media, so that we can make a persuasive case across the country?” Obama said.
Ugh. Think Obamacare is bad? Just wait ‘til you see Obama TV.
For its part, the White House denied the rumor, saying while Obama “is interested in the changing ways people consume information, he has no plans to get into the media business after he leaves office.”
Well, let’s hope this is one statement from the White House that’s actually true.
[Note: This article was written by Michele Hickford]