Obama Acts Like A Spoiled Child? Blame the Left.

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Recently, black Conservative author and radio host Kevin Jackson posted a blog titled “America Needs a White Republican President.” Not surprisingly, the Liberal media went absolutely apoplectic over the title – never bothering to read the premise of the article, or even note it was written not by some white “bitter clinger” but by a black man.

Jackson’s point was that if we had a white Republican male president, the country would be free to criticize his policies without being labeled “racist.” Lowering standards or making excuses for blacks, other minority groups – or women for that matter – is the most insidious form of racism or sexism. And yet, this is what the liberal Left continues to do.

Read more of Jackson’s commentary about why it’s no surprise the President acts like a spoiled child. He’s being treated like one. Actions should have consequences. Elections certainly do.

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