Allen B. West

Dems weigh in on new Trump poll; results are SHOCKING

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The end of the world must indeed be nigh if a new Rasmussen poll is any indication of the future events that await us as Donald Trump takes office later this month.

According to the results, an astoundingly high number of Democrats are pulling for the real estate mogul to be a successful commander in chief.

This truly is surprising, particularly given how liberals in the media and entertainment industries have pushed an anti-Trump narrative since the day of the election.

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Rasmussen Reports is reporting, The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 39% of Likely U.S. Voters think Trump’s presidency is more likely to be a success. Thirty percent (30%) say it’s more likely to be a failure instead, while 26% believe the Trump presidency will fall somewhere in between the two.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of Republicans think Trump is likely to succeed, a view shared by only 17% of Democrats and 35% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Just over half (52%) of Democrats believe Trump is more likely to fail, but only seven percent (7%) of GOP voters and 28% of unaffiliateds agree.

But 57% of Democrats want Trump’s presidency to be a success. Of course, that compares to 91% of Republicans and 73% of unaffiliated voters. Twenty-six percent (26%) of voters in Hillary Clinton’s party want Trump to fail, while another 17% are undecided.

Among all voters, 73% want Trump’s presidency to be a success; 14% want it to fail, and 12% are not sure.

While it’s shocking to see in print, the high number of folks hoping for a successful presidency here definitely gives one hope for the future of this administration.

Let’s pray for Trump to do what he said he would do and for a successful administration that truly does make America great again.

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