Top 10 reasons Hillary should GO TO JAIL…

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As you no doubt well know by now, the FBI released a number of files on its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server Friday. In addition to a summary of the investigation, the agency released a transcript of its interview with Hillary herself. All information released was heavily redacted, as would be expected for information of this nature. The FBI wouldn’t be careless and do anything with this kind of information, like send it over an insecure private email server.

You can view all the documents for yourself on the FBI’s website. We’ve been reporting on various key revelations, and here are the key need-to-know revelations all in one place, courtesy of Ben Shapiro at the Daily Wire. In other words, here are the key findings that PROVE Hillary Clinton belongs in jail, not the Oval Office.

1. Hillary Used TONS Of Different Devices. According to the FBI, Hillary used at least 13 mobile devices “associated with her two known phone numbers.” That blows up her original lie that she set up a private server so that she could use one email address and one device.

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Top 10 reasons Hillary should GO TO JAIL...So glad you’re here

2. Her Aides Destroyed Her Old Blackberrys…Or Lost Them. The FBI report states that Hillary’s aides were tasked with discarding of Hillary’s SIM cards when she’d switch devices – but “[Huma] Abedin and [Monica] Hanley indicated the whereabouts of Clinton’s devices would frequently become unknown once she transitioned to a new device.” According to another aide, he destroyed Hillary’s cellphones by hitting them with a hammer.

3. Hillary Told The FBI She Had No Idea How Classified Intelligence Worked. Yes, that’s right – the Most Qualified Candidate In World History™ admitted to the FBI that she had no idea how classification worked. The FBI explained, “Clinton could not give an example of how classification of a document was determined…[she] did not recall receiving any emails she thought should not be on an unclassified system.”

4. Hillary Hid 17,448 Work Related Emails From The State Department. The FBI reported that they’d “recovered from additional data sources and reviewed approximately 17,448 unique work-related and personal e-mails from Clinton’s tenure.” Hillary has claimed that she turned over all work-related emails and was fully transparent.

5. Hillary Wiped Her Email Again After The New York Times Reported Her Private Email Server. According to the FBI, one person interviewed “indicated he believed he had an ‘oh s***’ moment and sometime between March 25-31, 2015, deleted the Clinton archive mailbox from the PRN server and used BleachBit to delete the exported .PST files he had created on the server system containing Clinton’s emails.”

6. Hillary Said She Didn’t Think “C” on Emails Meant “Confidential.” Yes, seriously. The FBI reported, “When asked about the e-mail chain containing ‘(C)’ portion markings that State determined to currently contain CONFIDENTIAL information, Clinton stated she did not know what the ‘(C)’ meant at the beginning of the paragraphs and speculated it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order.”

7. Hillary Transmitted/Received Top Secret Classified Information. “The 81 classified email chains contained 8 email chains classified TOP SECRET,” according to the FBI, “37 email chains classified SECRET, and 36 email chains classified CONFIDENTIAL at the time they were sent.” So much for her “I never sent or received information marked classified” lie.

8. Hillary Maintained Plausible Deniability By Shielding Herself Via Her Lawyers. She told the FBI that she told her lawyers to provide work-related emails to State, but she “did not participate in the development of the specific process to be used or in discussions of the locations of where her emails might exist.”

9. Hillary Put Americans At Risk. According to Catherine Herridge of Fox News, Hillary discussed an undercover asset on her email server, outing him after his death and exposing his family to “grave risk.”

10. Hillary Clearly Attempted to Avoid Scrutiny. According to an email to Cheryl Mills dated August 30, 2011, State offered Hillary a new Blackberry. They told Hillary that any emails on the device would be subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. The device was never issued to Clinton.

And despite all this, the FBI didn’t pursue a case against her. During her speech at the Democrat National Convention, Hillary Clinton complained that we have a criminal justice system that isn’t fair for all Americans. She was talking about an alleged racial divide in how our legal system works, but she might as well have been speaking about herself.

[Note: This post was authored by Matt Palumbo. Follow him on Twitter @MattPalumbo12]

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