It was Rahm Emanuel who said, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” And as the Caribbean readies to take on the full brunt of the strongest hurricane ever to come out of the Atlantic, some people see an opportunity for a good crisis.
As reported by Fox News, “The governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands has ordered its national guard to seize guns, ammunition and other weapons from its citizens as the territory prepares for Hurricane Irma to make landfall.Gov. Kenneth Mapp, an Independent, signed an executive order Tuesday instructing Adjutant General Deborah Howell “to take whatever actions she considers necessary” to maintain public order, The Times-Picayune reported. The order, obtained by The Daily Caller, states that Howell is “authorized and directed to seize arms, ammunition, explosives, incendiary material and any other property that may be required by the military forces for the performance of this emergency mission.”
The National Rifle Association announced its “strong opposition” to Mapp’s order in a press release Tuesday. “People need the ability to protect themselves during times of natural disaster,” Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action said. “This dangerous order violates the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens and puts their lives at risk.”
In 2005, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin signed a similar order allowing seizure of guns, assault rifles and other weapons, ahead of a forced evacuation from those still living in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. The NRA filed a lawsuit after Katrina claiming New Orleans violated gun owners’ constitutional right to bear arms and left them “at the mercy of roving gangs, home invaders, and other criminals” after the hurricane. Congress later passed the 2006 Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act, which was meant to prohibit future confiscation of weapons during an emergency.”
Why is it that the left — and I mean anyone seeking to deny individuals their most basic right, personal protection — is always seeking a means by which they can disarm law abiding citizens? We just saw that people are vulnerable in these times of natural disasters. The criminal element, who will not be surrendering any weapons since they don’t register them, will then have a green light to assail citizens. It is the age-old adage, “outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns.” And does Governor Mapp truly believe the police will be everywhere to protect citizens who are left defenseless? And a bigger matter is, when will their firearms be returned? Y’all remember Ray Nagin, I think he ended up doing jail time as a felon. The exact same thing here happened in New Orleans — remember rescue helicopters were taking incoming ground fire from armed gangs. I guess those cheeky fellas didn’t get that memo Mayor Nagin signed.It’s truly a depraved state of mind that wants to turn law abiding citizens into helpless subjects. However, that’s the goal of tyranny: to make you unable to provide the most basic human right for yourself, protection of your life. And consider the open-ended directive to the Adjutant General of the US Virgin Islands, “to take whatever actions she considers necessary.” Whatever actions she considers necessary? That is YGTBSM stupid!
Where are the progressive socialist voices? ACLU? You won’t hear anything because this is right within their wheelhouse, what they desire here in America…which you’ve seen play out in Venezuela. Isn’t it ironic that in these areas controlled by über-liberal progressives we have groups like Antifa running rampant and allowed to destroy property and assault individuals with impunity? That is what happens in a place like California where the individual citizens have been disarmed and are ill-equipped to defend themselves from the raging mob.
It’s not just that you’re at the mercy of the criminal element; you’re at the mercy of the criminal element sanctioned by the progressive socialist controlled government…I am speaking of Berkeley, California.I’m always looking for trends. I find it quite interesting that it was the attorney general of the Virgin Islands who sought to bring a lawsuit against Exxon and conservative organizations about climate change. That occurred back in 2016 when the left was looking at any means necessary to shut up any dissenting research on climate change…you know, Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall…all you have to do is call, and I’ll be there. Oops, sorry, I digress, remembering James Taylor’s serenade to the people of Paris, accompanied by John Kerry, after the massive Islamic terror attack. Oh, did I mention French citizens are disarmed?
Stay tuned, you can bet the left will try this somewhere in America. If there’s a natural disaster, or one they just contrive, they’ll demand gun and ammunition confiscation. What happened in the US Virgin Islands was a test run, just as they used the attorney general there back in 2016. I wouldn’t be surprised if they use their delusional and Taliban/ISIS-like, goal of removing historical statues, monuments and memorials isn’t used as a leverage point to institute some form of gun confiscation. After all, as I heard some idiot chucklehead say at the Dallas City Council “hearing” on the removal of General Lee’s statue — “the removal of these Confederate statues is a matter of national security.”I always look for trends, indicators, and warnings… And y’all have been warned.
[Learn more about Allen West’s vision for this nation in his book Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin’s Journey to Faith, Family and Freedom]