Michael Moore predicts outcome of the 2020 election — and it will SHOCK you

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For years, Michael Moore has been an icon of the American Left. Having gained popularity making his unique documentaries propaganda films, Moore is now producing a Broadway show with his typical left-wing slant.

As liberal hysteria over Trump reachies a fever pitch, there’s no doubt that thousands of liberals will take in the show and make the man that has made a career out of criticizing “income equality” even richer.

However, one of the predictions he makes may just surprise people.

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From Fast Company:

Three weeks into the run of his anti-Trump Broadway show, The Terms of My Surrender, filmmaker and activist Michael Moore tells Fast Company that the president will be reelected in 2020. “I should say re-appointed, because we will have an even larger population that will vote against him in 2020,” Moore says. “But he will win those electoral states as it stands now.”

Moore is no fan of President Trump, but his prediction should have liberals worried. While most of the liberal media gave Trump no chance to win the election, Moore correctly predicted that Trump would be the winner. Even better, he predicted it would be rust belt states like Michigan that would put Trump over the top.

Fast forward 10 months, and circumstances have hardly changed. The liberal media has continued to pound Trump, likely thinking his reelection prospects are grim. Again, Moore sees things differently.

Of course, Moore couldn’t let his show go out on such a sour note. For liberals in despair over another four years of Trump, he has a plan to change things:

He believes the National Popular Vote interstate compact, an agreement between states to award all of their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the popular vote, could succeed as a workaround if we can convince enough state legislatures to pass it in time. So far, it has won approval in 10 states and Washington, D.C.–- the agreement will only be enacted once states delivering a total of 270 electoral votes have signed on, and it’s still far from that goal.

Unfortunately for Moore, Republicans have firm control over the country’s state legislatures. Moreover, whether such a compact would be constitutional is questionable.

Clearly, liberals should be worried about Moore’s prediction. However, his plan to fix it is doomed to failure. Unless liberals actually change their failed messaging, Trump is bound to be reelected. So far, they’ve been unwilling to do so.

[Note: This post was authored by Michael Lee. Follow him on Twitter @UAMichaelLee]

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