Petition to name Antifa a terrorist group gets HUGE boost

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The American Left has been accusing everyone who opposes them of being “racist” for at least the past half-century.

You have to give them credit for at least varying up the slur during the last election cycle. Instead of just being regular “Nazis,” conservatives are now “white supremacists, “fascists,” or, worst of all, “alt-right.”

The term “alt-right” is one that I doubt many people were even aware of until last year when Hillary Clinton devoted a campaign rally to it, but now anyone to the right of Joseph Stalin gets accused of being part of it. That’s why it was so hilarious that Donald Trump branded leftist agitators the “alt-left” when he was addressing media criticism to his response to the tragedy in Charlottesville. We all know who he was talking about; the black-mask wearing “Antifa” thugs who think that a communist revolution is just around the corner — but only if they can destroy another Starbucks storefront and set more cop cars on fire.

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Antifa, the ironically-named “anti-fascists,” have already been designated a terrorist organization by New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security — and if a new White House petition is successful, the nation could follow in that designation.

According to Milo Yiannopoulos, a petition that called on President Trump to label Antifa as a criminal organization has hit the 100,000 signatures required to receive a response from the White House.

The petition was launched last week on Thursday, August 17, and in just three days, hit the target of 100,000 responses needed for the White House to give a formal response.

The Obama administration had committed to giving a response within 30 days of any petition which gained at least 100,000 signatures and had answered over 300 of them since 2011 when “We The People” was created.

The petition has well crossed the 100,000 signature threshold, with over 160,000 at the time of writing. You can sign it for yourself here.

The definition of terrorism is “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” Think that Antifa meets that description? Decide for yourselves:

[Note: This post was written by Matt Palumbo. He is a co-author of the new book A Paradoxical Alliance: Islam and the Left, and can be found on Twitter @MattPalumbo12]

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