Here’s an interesting exchange between Bill O’Reilly and Geraldo Rivera regarding O’Reilly’s interview with our monarch er president. Seems Sr. Rivera believes President Obama has “majesty” and should not have to answer to inquiry.
In America we do not have kings or queens. We are supposed to have servants of the Republic, those who uphold our Constitution. In all my years, I never recall any president being referred to as having a “majesty.”
And it is indeed a fact that President Obama was once a community organizer from Chicago. Was O’Reilly wrong to say so? Can it be that Obama displays such majestic arrogance — certainly he appeared irritated by O’Reilly during the interview — because Obama agrees with Geraldo? Just consider the manner in which President George W. Bush was treated. The hypocrisy is laughable.
Have a look at the video, oh peasants of the realm. What do you think? Who’s right on this one?