This very short clip comes from a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Afghanistan in December of 2013. Supposedly a year from that date, the Obama administration says American troops shall be completely withdrawn from Afghanistan. We can see how that strategy, or lack thereof, has played out in Iraq.
This video gives credence to some of the assertions presented by former SecDef Robert Gates in his book, Duty. Watch it and see the abject disdain Obama administration bureaucrats have for the House of Representatives and their mission of oversight.
Can you imagine what would happen if you showed up to a meeting on a specific topic, which you knew beforehand, and were completely unprepared? Cue Donald Trump: “You’re fired!”
Yep, there is no accountability in government whatsoever. And just to drive the point home, Charlene Lamb, reported to be the one accountable for State Department failures in Benghazi, has been promoted to Regional Security Officer.
And don’t forget that former State Department Spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, who was likely complicit in altering the original CIA incident report talking points, also received a promotion. Folks, I aint’ making this stuff up!