While President Obama is off in Hawaii enjoying his vacation, true leaders in the world are tackling one of the most dangerous Islamic terrorist organizations, the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to Fox News,
Egypt’s military-backed interim government on Wednesday declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group, criminalizing all its activities, its financing and even membership to the group from which the country’s ousted president hails. The announcement is a dramatic escalation of the fight between the government and group, which has waged near-daily protests since the July 3 popularly backed military coup that toppled President Mohammed Morsi.
You may recall the Obama administration’s support of the former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the ensuing tension between the military backed interim government and President Obama because of that support.
Egypt, the largest Arab nation in the world, had been a steady ally and supportive of the Peace Accords with Israel. It was Morsi’s rise to power which threatened the region and escalated tensions and advancement towards greater influence of Sharia law-type policies and terrorist activities.
Hossam Eissa, the Egyptian Minister of Higher Education said the decision was in response to Tuesday’s deadly bombing targeting a police headquarters in a Nile Delta city which killed 16 people and wounded more than 100.
Ibrahim Elsayed, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political group, the Freedom and Justice Party, said the government announcement will have no impact on the work or the beliefs of the group, because it has seen repeated government repression and continued to exist with a moderate view of Islam.
This decision is as if it never happened. It has no value for us and is only worth the paper it is written on,” he told The Associated Press. “It won’t impact us from near and far. Ideas won’t be impacted by false accusations. We uphold this call only for the sake of God.
I find it laughable that anyone would consider the Muslim Brotherhood as operating within a “moderate view of Islam.” All you have to do is read the Muslim Brotherhood’s charter to recognize the clear and present danger they present of “stealth jihad.” The Brotherhood represents a political, not militant, wing of Islamic totalitarianism – but it is just as threatening to the world.
I recommend Erick Stakelbeck’s book on the Muslim Brotherhood, The Brotherhood, America’s Next Great Enemy in order to understand the history of this group seen as the “granddaddy of Islamic terrorism.”
The links between the Brotherhood and Al Qaeda are irrefutable, especially since current Al Qaeda leader Al-Zawahiri is Egyptian and got his start with the Brotherhood — the same organization responsible for the assassination of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat.
Ministar Eissa said that the Egyptian government had notified other Arab countries about its decision as the Brotherhood has organizations and political parties throughout the region.
Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t limited to the Gulf region, it operates with impunity right here in the United States of America. A review of the Explanatory Memorandum recovered in a 1991 FBI raid in northern Virginia reveals the Brotherhood’s intentions for America, sadly coming to fruition. You can read it here.
Groups such as the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Student Association (MSA), and the Muslim Political Action Committee (MPAC) have proven to have ties and relations as front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood, operating and influencing policies, especially in the Obama administration.
So I ask, will President Obama follow suit and declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization? I’m still waiting for the Obama administration to declare Boko Haram, Iranian Revolutionary Guards force, and others Islamic terrorist groups. It goes far beyond Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and denial just affords this enemy a better chance to infiltrate, influence, and disrupt our nation.
I call upon President Obama to stop playing golf for a few minutes, if he can, and declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and begin eroding their support and operations here in America — and Mr. President I’m waiting to hear your response. Your expected silence will be quite telling.