Recently former Federal Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy wrote that “Barack Obama is guilty of fraud — serial fraud — that is orders of magnitude more serious than frauds the Justice Department routinely prosecutes” which in the private sector is a punishable crime.
A new Fox News poll reveals 50 percent of voters believe the President knowingly lied regarding Obamacare, and 40 percent believe he just didn’t know — but both of these figures are troubling.
The American people have been constantly lied to over the past five years, but have rewarded this bad behavior and therefore it continues.
Last night on Megan Kelly’s show, McCarthy said the Constitution provides a political solution to this problem called impeachment. The question I pose to you, is America willing to forego the faux historical moment of the first black president for the survival of our Republic?
I believe for the first time in my life, we may see American citizens bring forth lawsuits against the President of the United States for damages, as some of the 5 million who were lied to and lost their healthcare coverage will take action.