Just when you thought the Rev. Jesse Jackson couldn’t say anything more absurd, here we have him topping the list again. Speaking at Furman University this past week, Jackson claimed former President Ronald Reagan sought to prevent blacks from playing sports with whites. Jackson even dragged in former Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater into his insidious claims.
According to his comments as reported by Campus Reform, Ronald Reagan would have prevented Michael Jordan from attending the University of North Carolina, the Olympics from being in Atlanta, Georgia, and teams like the Carolina Panthers and Atlanta Falcons from existing.
However most disturbing was his reference to the South as being the “land of the free and the home of genocide.” Perhaps the good Reverend should read about Margaret Sanger and recognize that since the 1972 Roe v Wade decision, there have been some 13 million black babies aborted.
As well, thanks to Democrat President Lyndon Johnson’s welfare nanny-state policy of giving checks to women having children out of wedlock, today only 28% of black children have fathers in the home.
According to Furman student, Lauren Cooley,
Students felt uncomfortable when Rev. Jackson remarked that you can’t be a Christian if you’re a conservative and that Ronald Reagan held up the walls of segregation. During the question and answer portion, students asked Jackson why he supports policies that keep minorities stuck in poverty and why he supports abortion clinics that focus on serving and therefore endangering the existence of African American communities. Rev. Jackson appeared flustered and became angry, questioning students, raising his voice, and circumnavigating questions.
Jackson (whose stellar son, former Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. just recently began his prison sentence for illegal use of campaign funds), has based his entire career on the heinous practice of race baiting.
I’m proud to say I’m a graduate from the University of Tennessee, where the first black quarterback in the Southeastern Conference played, Condredge Holloway Jr., ol’ number seven. Watching Holloway as a young kid was instrumental in my choosing to attend college up on good ol’ Rocky Top.
As he is an ordained Minister, I recommend Rev. Jackson heed the words of Solomon in Proverbs 17:28, “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. “
What sayeth you? Do talking heads such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have any relevance?