Way back in November 2008 after winning the presidential election, then-Senator Barack Obama crowed, “Chicago is coming to DC.” And just like the statement about “fundamentally transforming” America, no one bothered to ask what it meant.
Well, just ask former DC Insurance Commissioner William White what it means, because he was fired from his post last Friday for criticizing the so-called “Obamacare fix” saying it would create problems for the insurance exchanges. According to NBC:
William White told NBC News that Mayor Vincent Gray’s office didn’t explicitly link his dismissal to his comments. But he strongly suggested it wasn’t a coincidence.
“Anyone who looks at this can draw their own conclusions. My statement came out on Thursday, and by Friday [at] 4:15 I was out,” he said.
Don’t forget Chicago is the city of Al Capone and Saul Alinsky, both criminals in their respective areas of expertise. Both promoted intimidation and assassinations as a means to an end, one literally with a weapon and the other figuratively with words. Regardless, both were ruthless in their tactics, clear on their desired outcomes, and uncompromising in their use of brute force.
So here comes Barack Obama from the same city and the same mold, and we’re surprised?
Commissioner White made the unfortunate mistake of criticizing His Highness. Since the DC City Hall is just down the street from the White House, I’m quite sure Mayor Vincent Gray got the call, and within 24 hours White was history, simply for telling the truth, something Obama and the Democrats can’t seem to handle.
And we wonder who let the IRS dogs out? This is why we should be concerned about 200 senior military officers removed from their positions in the last five years. I like to analyze trends, and trends, like smoke, lead to a fire — this one is burning in the White House. Do I get concerned or nervous about speaking out against the progressive socialists and President Obama? Nah, call me Eliot Ness.