I woke up this morning sure I would see a statement from the first African-American President condemning Florida Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson for his use of a burning cross and Klansmen in a fundraising email.
After all, the liberal progressive left and President Obama have made such an issue about the Washington Redskins mascot and the offensive nature of that symbol, wrongly so of course.
I just knew that Obama, so beloved by the black community would make a serious stand against the use of a symbol that represented voter intimidation and lynchings of blacks. I felt that President Obama, the champion of civility in political discourse, would schedule a press event today, or maybe even call TEA Party leaders, such as he did with Sandra Fluke and Jason Collins, to offer an apology and support. Then I woke up from the dream I was having.
President Obama, Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz lead the party who gave us the Ku Klux Klan and the burning cross symbol. Their silence is consent and demonstrates that today’s liberal progressives are just as comfortable using these images as their predecessors.
The party of Lester Maddox, George Wallace, and Huey Long Jr. is alive and well. Sadly enough, Rep. John Lewis and other “faux” black leaders are showing their true colors. Damn glad my parents inspired me to depart the plantation.