This past weekend I was invited to speak on the campus of Valdosta State University in Georgia. The city of Valdosta is nicknamed, “Winnersville” because it has produced so many champions. They win, because they expect to win. That’s normal for Valdosta. But it’s no longer normal for America.
The new normal in America, a country now led by progressive socialism, isn’t about making winners or champions. It’s about creating dependents, and we’re all losing.
The new normal in America is a President who openly embraces the philosophy of wealth redistribution, as laid out by Karl Marx: “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”
So in pursuit of wealth redistribution policies, the new normal in America means our constitutional republicanism is being replaced by a Marxist/socialist ideal. This ideal is rooted in nationalizing production, broadening the dependency society, a sense of social utopianism (fair share, fairness, economic and social equality), and most threatening, a secular humanism which replaces God, from whom our individual rights come, to government — trading the “Big G” for the “little g.”
We see this manifested in government spending at almost 25% of our gross domestic product (GDP). And mind you, this is a GDP limping along at around 2 percent growth, a dangerously weak economic recovery. To fuel the growth of this socialist welfare state, our national debt has grown from $10.6 trillion to now over $17 trillion in just five years. We’ve clearly lost control of spending.
The new normal seems to be that President Obama can vote against raising the debt ceiling as a Senator, but now seeks the sole right to raise it. We are told his vote as a Senator was just “symbolic.” Of what, exactly? I guess the new normal also includes a President who redefines truth as he pleases, as in Benghazi and Obamacare. If we started losing trust in our elected officials in the 1970’s, it’s just about completely gone now. And the single-digit approval numbers for Congress prove it.
Is the new normal in America that the once venerable free market system has been supplanted by an artificial economy of cronyism and printing more money to buy our own debt? The Federal Government now sees itself as a venture capitalist and the trillions of dollars being printed by the US Federal Reserve are causing a private sector addiction to government largesse. If you want to test that theory, just whisper on Wall Street that the Fed is going to stop printing money, ending quantitative easing, and watch the Dow Jones Industrial index plummet.
Can the new normal in America be double-digit unemployment?
Does anyone really believe the national unemployment rate in America is just 7.2 percent? Our workforce participation rate is the lowest ever in some 35 years. We are becoming a country of part-time employees. We are blowing up the rolls of Americans in poverty and on food stamps. Americans are losing opportunities to succeed and thrive.
But if we “only” had to worry about domestic economic issues it would be one thing. Instead of trying to trim the number of Americans dependent on the government, we are slowly chipping away at our own national security.
This past week the Chief of Staff of the US Army stated the Army has not trained for the past six months and that we only have two combat ready Brigades, about 7000 Soldiers. The US Marine Corps is about to reduce its force strength to 174,000 — the smallest Corps since World War I — and reduce its number of combat infantry battalions. In a violent and unstable global environment dominated by Islamic totalitarianism and terrorism, this cannot be the new normal. We cannot lose our ability to successfully defend our nation and our interests abroad.
We have embraced those who are our enemies, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and confused those who are our allies, such as Israel. Monitoring the phone calls of Western European leaders isn’t helping matters. We lost credibility, respect and are rapidly losing friends.
Finally, and most disturbing; is the new normal for defining American leadership all about likeability, rather than quality or competence? Is the new normal that we accept lying and deception from our President and allow government agencies to attack and intimidate American citizens? Are we so devoid of honor, integrity, and character as a nation that we allow a President and a Secretary of State to abandon Americans to die in Benghazi and then refer to it as a “phony scandal” or in weak defense, screech, “what difference does it make”?
Is it possible that in five short years, progressive socialists and secular humanists, along with a complicit media, have successfully redefined normal in America? They are surely trying, but we must ensure they do not succeed. We cannot stand by and allow our God-given rights and all that our nation stands for be trampled upon and cast aside. Molon Labe!