It is beyond disgusting that Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson from Florida is using images of burning crosses in a fund raising email.
I grew up in Atlanta, Ga., and remember the Klan burning crosses atop Stone Mountain. The constitutional conservative grassroots movement known as ‘The TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party’ focuses on fiscal spending and government growth issues as well as individual liberty and free market principles. Mr. Grayson should probably crack open a history book, in between his histrionics, and learn that it was the Democrat Party that created the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate black voters. Voters such as those who elected the first black Republican member of the House of Representatives from Florida, Josiah T. Walls. Same party, same tactics, some things just never change.
Naturally, Grayson is unrepentant, saying in this article, “There is overwhelming evidence that the tea party is the home of bigotry and discrimination in America today, just as the KKK was for an earlier generation. If the shoe fits, wear it.”
I’ve asked fellow members of the Liberty Alliance Kevin Jackson, Deneen Borrelli, Alfonzo Rachel,and Cynthia Farahat if they see a bigot staring back at them from the mirror every morning, and unfortunately for liberals like Grayson, we still ain’t turned white yet.