People notice a DISTURBING similarity in these photos- and it’s not the mask

Y’all have heard this saying before, and it’s become rather appropriate for the situation we face here in America. It goes something like this: “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.”

It has always been rather perplexing how anyone could justify militant Islamic jihadism and their terrorist actions. Of course, we did have our former Secretary of State John Kerry somewhat justify the actions of ISIS-affiliated jihadists when they swarmed and butchered writers at the French offices of Charlie Hebdo. And even with the magazine’s most recent vile cover image of the Harvey flooding, I would never wish Islamic terrorism on anyone.

Now, here in America, we have our own hooded and masked domestic terrorists. And I must take pause to laugh, as it was the Democrat Party that gave us the first domestic terrorist organization to wear hoods and masks…those chuckleheads wore white. Today’s version wears black, but they’re bonded by the means of coercion, intimidation and violence to advance their ideological agenda.

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And many are asking why the Democrats aren’t loudly condemning this present-day Klan called Antifa? Sure, Nancy Pelosi came out and spoke against them, but has anyone heard a peep from her fellow California Democrats, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris or Barbara Feinstein? As a matter of fact, has anyone heard a word of condemnation from Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Chuck Schumer…or for that matter, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, or Hillary Clinton? Nope, not a peep, and the reason why can be found in the words of a professor at Dartmouth College and its faculty.

As reported by Fox News, “More than 100 Dartmouth College faculty members rushed to support a controversial fellow professor who repeatedly justified Antifa’s violent tactics — despite the Dartmouth president’s condemnation of the professor’s support for the so-called anti-fascist group.

Mark Bray, the author of “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook” and visiting professor at the Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth, appeared in dozens of television interviews after the Antifa movement gained national traction following deadly clashes in Charlottesville, Va. earlier in August. Bray supported Antifa’s violence, dubbing it “self-defense” and a “legitimate response” to what he termed white supremacist and neo-Nazi violence.

“I think that a lot of people recognize that, when pushed, self-defense is a legitimate response to white supremacy and neo-Nazi violence,” Bray said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Aug. 20. “The lesson of history is you need to take it with the utmost seriousness before it’s too late,” Bray continued, adding that demonstrations are necessary to tell neo-Nazis and white supremacists “You can’t make this normal.”

First of all, what the heck is a “gender research institute?” I mean seriously, someone needs to go through these colleges and universities and eradicate all of these useless degree programs. What in the Sam Hill is someone supposed to do with a degree in gender studies? But, I digress. Perhaps that’s the subject for a future missive.

So, in the estimation of Mr. Mark Bray, Antifa are simply misunderstood hooded and masked freedom fighters out there defending us from bad people? I’m sure that explains why Antifa attacked a march against Marxism in America and why several stood over and kicked a participant. That explains to me why Antifa attacks anyone donning attire supporting the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and the violence they enacted on Inauguration Day in Washington DC. Yep, they’re “self-defending.” And what’s far more disturbing are the brain dead members of the faculty at Dartmouth — Laura Ingraham’s alma mater by the way — that joined in to support this delusional and disturbed chucklehead. And folks, these are the people indoctrinating your kids- certainly not educating them.

Hey, Markie dude, I have an idea. If y’all want to REALLY do something about white supremacists, then how about self-defending the unborn from Planned Parenthood? After all, the organization was started by a white supremacist and racist supporter of the Ku Klux Klan named Margaret Sanger. I mean if you want to be “freedom fighters” then how about standing up and protecting the first unalienable right, life? Why, you can bring those black hooded and masked “champions of self-defense” along with Black Lives Matter into the black neighborhoods and do some self-defending against all those Planned Parenthood butcher shops killing black babies.

Well, something tells me you won’t be doing that. Or perhaps, since you are some Antifa expert, you can do some self-defense against a real Nazi named George Soros. You know, that fella who’s probably funding Antifa? That’s right, he’s a Hungarian Jew who collaborated with the Nazis against his own people. I mean why waste your time with the fake “neo-Nazis,” go bag a real one, dude. Ahh, that’s right, y’all ain’t interested in confronting the real problem.

Mr. Bray, and his comrades at Dartmouth, are just another example of the oxymoronic left, with emphasis on “moron.” They truly believe those of us in the real world with functioning brains will accept his sickness called diarrhea of the mouth. Bray and others spew forth this word vomit and expect to be taken seriously. What the left has come to define as “fascism” is anything they don’t accept, especially constitutional conservatism and a Constitutional Republic. Their reaction, which they try to pawn off as a “resistance,” is that they are angered they’re not in control and continuing with the fundamental transformation of America.

If you don’t accept progressive socialism, social egalitarianism, secular humanism, wealth redistribution, identity politics, and their world vision of America…you’re a fascist. And somehow, they’retelling themselves they have a right to beat you, and call it “self-defense.”

Now, of course if you, a law-abiding citizen of America resists them and defend yourself against their attacks, you then are the aggressor, and wrong. This is the same ignorant logic that Islamic jihadists employ.

Ladies and gents, this is what’s happening on our college and university campuses. The sooner the U.S. Department of Justice declares Antifa a domestic terrorist group, the better. They’re not freedom fighters, certainly not defending the principles and values of this nation. They’re just like the original group formed by the Democrat Party who wore white instead…cowards trying to intimidate, and use violence as an end to their means.

[Learn more about Allen West’s vision for this nation in his book Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin’s Journey to Faith, Family and Freedom]

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